Need to keep track of how much time you are spending on any kind of project? Try our free BrandRock Timer which you can save on your computer or device and use offline. After the page loads, simply use your browser's File menu Save Page option to save the file on your pc/cell phone/tablet etc.
Read and write MIDI files (format 0 or 1) into a spreadsheet using MIDI Excel spreadsheet V2.0. One can write VBA macros to modify the file, either single file or in batch mode as well. Primarily written to get around Cakewalk Sonar's limitations and bugs with its sparsely documented CAL scripting, it also automatically fixes corrupted MIDI files where the same note is played in the same time (multiple notes) or where a note is played, but never released. You will probably have to add BrandRock to your list of trusted publishers and enable macros in Excel, or even enable all macros in its Trust Centre (which is what I do). Microsoft's security settings in Office can be quite unwieldy. Email me if you need instructions on how to use it, or want to develop it further.
Get an idea of the size of the solar system and the speed of light by Scaling the Moon to one pixel.
Test and improve your knowledge of the countries and capitals of the world by using our World Quiz.